View Aquarium Orange Fish Names US. Orange coloured aquarium fish include the ember tetra, serpae tetra, goldfish, peacock cichlids, molly, platy, swordtail, severum, discus, betta and guppies. Complete with care tips, tank mates and more.
The following list of marine aquarium fish species commonly available in the aquarium trade is not a completely comprehensive list; If you've ever stepped foot inside of an aquarium, then you are well aware of the beauty and now just because you don't treat them like the typical pet, it doesn't mean that they don't need a name. Subscribe so you won't miss my latest video.
If you plan to create a community tank or need ideas for which fish to keep, check out my article on 12 of the easiest fish to keep in your aquarium.
Fish guide for sunshine peacock, aulonocara stuartgranti maleri profile with fish pictures, description and information, peacock cichlid care, diet, habitat and fish diseases, sunshine peacock breeding, tank mates, compatibility and keeping the peacock cichlid aquarium, orange peacock, yellow regal. Male betta fish names and female betta fish names. Explore our list of fish names in english. What is the scientific name of a clownfish?