48+ Natural Gemstones Names US. You may see the picture and details about them. Kornerupine gets its name from a danish artist and naturalist andreas kornerup.
While people have adorned themselves with blue stones for centuries, the quality and variety available today are unsurpassed. Articles about gemstones written by a gia graduate gemologist. Below are some of the popular gemstones with their names as well as their pictures and colors.
A number of gemstones have gained fame, either because of their size and beauty or because of the people who owned or wore them.
Gemstones do not form ore deposits in the normal sense.gems, when present at all, tend to be scattered sparsely throughout a large body of rock or to have crystallized as small aggregates or fill. There are roughly 200 varieties of natural gemstone known in the world today. Padparadscha sapphire, paraiba tourmaline & spessartite garnet. These gemstones worn collectively have.